What is Best Buddies International ?

Mission statement

To establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Vision statement

To put Best Buddies out of business.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Visitation of Ms Valerie Vitale

I thought of uploading this photo because it served an inspiration and motivation for Best Buddies Malaysia to strive for the best. Why I said so?

Firstly, Ms Valerie Vitale, who is Best Buddies International Programs Director brought Best Buddies to Malaysia. We, people in Malaysia could have a chance to make a difference in people with intellectual disabilities' lives.

Secondly, she visited us just 1 week before our massive event, BB Got Talent 09. Her visitation has cleared out our doubt and confusion about Best Buddies, and also her compliment on Best Buddies has boost out our confidence in making Best Buddies shine in the future.

You know what? Best Buddies Malaysia could feature our article in Best Buddies International newsletter. Such a great news for all of us. Our chapter will be known worldwide.

Do come and join us for this journey of enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities with us.

Thank you, Ms Valerie Vitale

Thank you, Ms Ker Shin (program director of BB Malaysia) for holding on with us to improve BB chapter in Malaysia

Last but not least, thank you to my BB members who have been so faithful in Best Buddies.


Hui Ru